That Girl Routine

Hey everyone, welcome to my blog.
Today I want to talk about routines.
Especially the Tiktok popular "that girl routines", where girls film themselves getting ready, having a healthy breakfast and working out all before 6am.
For some it's an unrealistic standard that tears them down and makes them feel horrible, unproductive and what not. But for others it's a motivation to get up and get their lives together. 
For me, these videos were a motivation to start my own Tiktok account and show parts of my life but on the other hand I did feel terrible sometimes, because life often doesn't look like the videos.
Life is not always aesthetically pleasing and relaxing, you don't always feel good or motivated, your home looks messy sometimes and you eat unhealthy food.
I had to take a small social media break to get my mind right and figure out what routines work best for me, how I would like to be but also to not be too hard on myself.

I established a routine that makes me feel like the ultimate THAT GIRL,without neglecting my feelings and needs. Routines are important in order to let your conscious decisions dictate your day, instead of your impulses and emotions. A routine will make you feel content, because they'll constantly reaffirm a decision you made. And as your body self-regulates, your routines will become your flow. ( "101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think" teached me that )

My THAT GIRL routine 

1. Waking up and going to bed at the same time everyday

Sleeping too much or not enough can really mess with your mood, energy and mental health.
Have you ever slept for like 10+ hours? Chances are, you felt super tired the whole day. Or atleast for me it was always the case. I figured out that my body only needs 7-8 hours of sleep for me to feel best. Find what works for you, get that amount of sleep and see how it improves your life.

2. Stretching and a glass of water in the morning 

A part of my morning routine is a good stretch. You can do it in bed, just move your body. 
Feel it in your neck and back, your legs. Take time to do that. Afterwards I always drink a glass of water I already put on my nightstand the night before. 

3. Skincare routine

Establish a skincare routine that works for your skin. I always wash my face, put hyaluronic acid and niacinamide serum on my face and a moisturizing cream. Before going to bed I do the same, but instead of the moisturizer I use a nightcream. 

4. Breakfast

I know those smoothie-bowls look aesthetic and delicious, but to feel like "that girl" that's not what you have to eat every morning. I always decide what I'd like to eat when I get up in the kitchen in the morning. Sometimes I eat avocado-toast, sometimes I eat cereals, when I'm in the mood I make myself a smoothie or just eat some joghurt I found in the fridge. Just eat what you're craving in that moment. Chances are, that it'll make you feel best.

5. 24/7 iced coffee

All the cool girls love iced coffee, their stories and tiktoks are full of it. But you know what? It's okay to not like it, you don't have to buy an overpriced coffee everyday in order to feel good. 
Also, coffee can increase your anxiety and make you feel even worse. 
I personally like my coffee hot. Sometimes I like to drink hot chocolate or tea and that's what makes me happy. Find what YOU like, not what society likes.

6. Plan your day

I like to plan my day in the morning, after a nice breakfast and enough time to wake up. I'm currently studying, so it depends on my weekday or time during the semester. Sometimes I have lectures or need to finish some work, other days I have freetime. Planning everything gives me comfort. This way I know exactly what I have to finish that day and at the end of the day it is so satisfying to see that you accomplished everything you wanted to. 

7. Move your body

It doesn't have to be a workout and you don't have to hit the gym. You can do yoga or an intense stretch-session or you can just go for a walk. Fresh air can lift your mood and make you feel refreshed.

8. Do something for you

I think everyone should practice more self-love. Do something that makes you happy. Chase your dreams, babysteps are better than no steps. Take time to accomplish your goals or read a book or write, draw, paint, sleep. Take a nap if that would make you happy. Before deciding what to do, listen to your heart and don't give a F what other people think. Do what's best for you.

9. Finish whatever is on your To-Do list

Do you have some E-Mails to read and reply to? Do you have to pay some bills or call someone? Schoolwork? Anything? Do that. Try to get that off your head. The longer you procrastinate, the more stressful it will become. Your mind, unconsciously, knows that there are important things you have to do, which makes you feel lowkey stressed. The feeling after finishing that task will be so good, I promise

10. Try switching up your diet

Healthy food is good for your body and overall wellbeing. Try out a new recipe maybe twice a week. Eat your greens. Drink more water instead of soda or juices. Try to buy whole foods. If you hate cooking because it's time consuming you can google some quick and easy recipes that won't take much of your time. Or you prepare some dishes the night before.

11. Immediately clean after yourself

Washing the dishes right after cooking/eating takes a lot of work off your shoulders. You really like to throw your clothes on the chair until it's a huge mess? Why don't you sort them out right after taking them off or get a place where you can fold and put them. I know, it's always easy to say "Ohh I'll do it tomorrow, I'll put that away when I come home after work" but just imagine establishing the habit of always keeping everything clean. After doing it for a few times it will become your flow and you'll automatically always do that. Wouldn't that be nice?

12. Lastly, your reminder 

You don't have to be productive everyday. You're worthy of love, no matter what your space looks like, what you eat and how much you achieve. Social media isn't real and I promise that even the cool "IT-Girls" feel like shit sometimes. Nowadays there's a lot of photoshopping and faking it going on, which is sad and sets unrealistic standards. Sometimes we forget or we think "Oh, but this doesn't look fake" - you'll never really know what is real and what's not, don't ever forget that. Try to be happy in real life <3 

Kisses, Marie


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